Author Archives: Alex Olmedo

  1. Are Companies Utilizing Engagement Analytics for Success?

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    In the fast-paced landscape of today’s workplaces, understanding and nurturing employee engagement is paramount for organisational success. At the heart of this endeavour lies Engagement Analytics, a powerful tool that delves into the intricate dynamics between employees and their work environment.

    Measuring Expectations, Fostering Fulfilment

    Engagement Analytics serves as a compass, guiding organisations through the labyrinth of employee expectations and fulfilment. It meticulously gauges one’s employment expectations and evaluates the extent to which they are met within the organisational framework.

    Imagine having a panoramic view of your workforce’s sentiments, aspirations, and contentment levels. The Organisational View for Engagement encapsulates this essence effectively.

    From frontline employees to C-suite executives, Engagement Analytics paves the way for tailored engagement strategies that resonate with each individual. By leveraging data-driven insights, organizations can craft initiatives that address specific pain points, foster a culture of inclusion, and nurture a sense of belonging among their workforce.

    How many departmental heads and team leaders would like to have the type of employee engagement expectation data shown in the attached graph?   Good staff are expensive to replace – finding ways to keep them is crucial for productivity, keeping  costs down and generally enhancing cultures to  create attractive working environments. Expectations are divided into 8 groups, and participants are invited to score their degree of satisfaction within each group. This gives the team leader the opportunity to have a progressive coaching discussion and has the added impact of showing employees that managers are looking after their interests. The result – open, collaborative cultures with real employee expectations being met as far as humanly possible.

    Visualise your Group Data

    This is a snapshot of the high-level Organisational Analytics data available just across Employee Engagement Expectations. You can also get data for your people and your organisation on:

    • Senior and emerging leadership competency
    • Culture of your organisation
    • Collaboration and Team competencies
    • Team Dynamics
    • Emotional Intelligence competencies
    • Remote Working competencies


    How helpful would this data be for informing your people development plans, culture and engagement programmes and succession plans?

    You can find out more about Organisational Analytics here. leaders skills and competencies

    If you would like to discuss how Organisational Analytics can help support your business objectives and people plans please contact Pat Hutchinson: or on 07768 922244

  2. What on Earth does Harrison Assessment have to do with Personal Values?

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    Let me explain –

    The following model is affectionately referred to as the Alignment model in Leadership Development Circles.  From top to bottom it suggests that at the highest level we have a purpose in everything we do from our existence to our reasons for attending a meeting or having a conversation with a loved one.  In the pursuit of achieving that purpose we adopt an identity – What role am I in playing in the achievement of said purpose?  Am I a learner, a facilitator, an information giver, listener, friend or something else?  What is important to me about this purpose, ie, what values do I hold and what beliefs support these values? As a team leader what do I value most, the achievement of the task by a certain time or the development of the team in the pursuit of achieving the task?  What skills and capabilities have to be in place to achieve the purpose and ultimately effect a change in behaviour which will have a positive impact on our surroundings or environment.

    All too often as human beings we judge the behaviour of a person, team or organisation as it’s the bit we see and are affected by.  Taking a step back to wonder what beliefs and values sit behind the behaviour often presents alternative conclusions.

    So let’s take a look at the Harrison paradox report – a report which derives from the behavioural preferences of the inputter.  For more on this excellent assessment check out my website at  The following set of paradoxical behavioural traits has been taken from a set of 12 which indicate an overall approach to work based on behavioural preference.


    The ability to combine warmth and empathy with enforcing the agreed rules would result in a flexibility of behaviour we call  ‘compassionate enforcing’.  In the example given, however, there is a strong tendency towards warmth and empathy and a low desire to enforce the rules.  Relate this back to the model and you can see that these two axes represent the personal values of the person and the resulting behaviour is one of permissiveness.  The unconscious (or sometimes even conscious) behaviour of others around could be to ‘take advantage’ with all the consequential outcomes that permissiveness brings.  The large red hurricane in the ‘harsh’ quadrant is an indication of what happens when this person is put under pressure – maybe to achieve a deadline or target of some sort.  Behaviour suddenly goes against the value set of warmth and empathy and becomes harsh, taking all by surprise because it is out of character. Depending on how this person manages their stress this may even be perceived as their normal behaviour if it happens often.


    Here’s another example – this time with another layer of detail represented by the trait requirement for a specific role (hence the colours).

    This paradox represents the communication style of the person and, in my opinion, is probably one of the most important of the 12 paradoxes because it is the bit that people hear, see and feel and therefore make instant judgements upon.

    Imagine a normal behaviour which appears totally in the top left, ie blunt.  It would suggest a high value around frankness resulting in blunt behaviour which is generally accompanied by body language.  I have often heard people with this pattern refer to themselves as ‘honest’ which by definition would appear to mean that they believe people with the opposite style are dishonest.  Not true of course!  They may just not want to hurt feelings or get into an argument.  But think of the consequences this extreme behaviour could have – how many great ideas are they missing, or problems they are not being informed about, what impact are their beliefs around frankness having?

    I have discussed just two of the 12 paradoxical graphs here and emphasized the importance of accessing the values and beliefs behind unproductive behaviours if we have any hope of changing them.  The Harrison Assessment system has so much to offer matching people to job roles, assessing potential leaders and job satisfaction for individuals and teams.  I have watched it contribute greatly to culture change and reduce staff attrition rates.  In a world where mental health issues are becoming so prevelant doesn’t it make sense to start with behavioural preference awareness?  I am a great believed in prevention rather than cure.

    If you would like to know more about the Harrison Paradox approach, you can email or give me a call on 44 (0)7768 922244.

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